A selection of plants from our nursery: Plant prices
Makomako Wineberry ( Aristotelia serrata)
Growth Rate: Rapid
Fast growing small semi-deciduous tree. Rose flowers in spring, berries sought by native birds. Frost tender when young. Good shade tree in sheltered areas.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Erosion Control - Shade Tolerant - Attracts Birds - Attractive Cones/Berries - Attracts Bees
Height after 5 years: 4 m Height when mature: 6 m
Manuka Leptospermum scoparium
Growth Rate: Medium
Fast growing small tree with small aromatic leaves & single white flowers. Nurse crop for native revegetation. Susceptible to blight.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Erosion Control - Attracts Bees
Height after 5 years: 2 m Height when mature: 4 m
Kanuka Kunzea ericoides
Growth Rate: Medium
Small tree with small narrow scented leaves. Coloniser of dry exposed ground. Loose papery bark. Showy white flowers in clusters. Blight resistant.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Low Hedging - Erosion Control - Attractive Bark/Trunk - Attracts Birds Attracts bees
Height after 5 years: 3 m Height when mature: 10 m
Karamu Coprosma Coprosma robusta
Growth Rate: Medium/Rapid
Fast growing shelter, hedging and nurse plant. Competes well with gorse. Laden with bright orange fruit. Shade tolerant. Attracts birds.
Additional Attributes: - Low Hedging - Erosion Control - Shade Tolerant - Attracts Birds - Attractive Cones/Berries
Height after 5 years: 3 m Height when mature: 5 m
Coprosma Coprosma 'Beatsons Gold'
Growth Rate: Rapid
A compact bushy shrub. Dark green leaves with gold variegation. Clips well into low hedge. Best in full sun.
Additional Attributes: - Low Hedging - Attractive Foliage - Attracts Birds
Height after 5 years: 2 m Height when mature: 2 m
Coprosma Coprosma kirkii variegata
Growth Rate: Rapid
A vigorous, sprawling hardy shrub. Used extensively for bank stabilising, coastal planting & ground cover.
Additional Attributes: - Low Hedging - Attractive Foliage - Attracts Birds
Height after 5 years: 1 m Height when mature: 1 m
Coprosma Coprosma kirkii
Growth Rate: Rapid
A vigorous, sprawling hardy shrub. Used extensively for bank stabilising, coastal planting & ground cover.
Additional Attributes: - Low Hedging - Attractive Foliage - Attracts Birds
Height after 5 years: 1 m Height when mature: 1 m
Mingimingi Coprosma Coprosma propinqua
Growth Rate: Medium/Rapid
A tough small tree with interlaced foliage. Laden with fruit that change from white to dark blue.
Additional Attributes: - Erosion Control - Attractive Foliage - Attracts Birds - Attractive Cones/Berries
Height after 5 years: 2 m Height when mature: 5 m
Karangu Coprosma Coprosma lucida
Growth Rate: Medium/Rapid
A hardy shrub with handsome foliage and large attractive drupes. Potential shelter.
Additional Attributes: - Low Hedging - Attractive Foliage - Shade Tolerant - Attracts Birds - Attractive Cones/Berries
Height after 5 years: 3 m Height when mature: 5 m
Kaikomako Bellbird Tree Pennantia corymbosia
Growth Rate: Medium
A small tree of slender habit. Mature tree is elegant with white fragrant flowers. Attracts native birds. Prefers moist soils. Hardy. Shade tolerant.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Shade Tolerant - Attracts Birds
Height after 5 years: 2 m Height when mature: 8 m
Kapuka Broadleaf (Griselinia littoraliis)
Growth Rate: Medium
Round-headed small tree with bright green leaves. Excellent for hedging or shelter. Withstands drought & coastal conditions. Trim in summer. Attracts birds.
Additional Attributes: - Low Hedging - Erosion Control - Shade Tolerant - Attracts Birds - Attractive foliage.
Height after 5 years: 3 m Height when mature: 10 m
Ti Kouka - Cabbage Tree - Green (Cordyline australis) Purple
Growth Rate: Medium/Rapid
NZ icon attractive in mixed planting or as specimen. Multi-trunked with tuffs of foliage. Attract birds.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Attractive Foliage - Shade Tolerant - Attractive Bark/Trunk - Attracts Birds - Attracts Bees
Height after 5 years: 4 m Height when mature: 10 m
Lophomyrtus (Ramarama)
Evergreen, Hardy, All conditions, tolerant of light to medium frosts, prefers maximum sunlight or partial shade
Green to bronze/red leaf 15-20mm long, Cream/white flower with berries which ripen April-May.Additional Attributes: Attracts birds
Height Up to 6m
Harakeke/NZ Flax Phormium tenax
Growth Rate: Rapid
Robust clumps of blue-green leaves. Tolerant of a wide range of sites including swampy and coastal. Very hardy. Excellent low shelter.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Erosion Control - Attractive Foliage - Attracts Birds
Height after 5 years: 2 m Height when mature: 3 m
(Red) Harakeke/NZ Flax Phormium tenax
Growth Rate: Rapid
Robust clumps of blue-green leaves. Tolerant of a wide range of sites including swampy and coastal. Very hardy. Excellent low shelter.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Erosion Control - Attractive Foliage
Attracts Birds
Height after 5 years: 2 m Height when mature: 2 m
Wharariki/Mountain Flax Phormium cookianum
Growth Rate: Rapid
Has drooping twisted seed pods and shiny green weeping leaves. Smaller then P. tenax.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Erosion Control - Attractive Foliage
Attracts Birds
Height after 5 years: 1.5 m Height when mature: 1.5 m
Lacebark Hoheria populnea
Growth Rate: Rapid
Attractive flowering tree with large leaves and scented white flowers. Prefers moist fertile soil. Good shelter and specimen.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Erosion Control - Attracts Birds - Attracts Bees
Height after 5 years: 3 m Height when mature: 10 m
Fuchsia excorticata Kotukutuku Tree Fuchsia
Growth Rate: Medium
Small semi-deciduous tree with papery bark and interesting twisted shape. Largest fuchsia in the world. Attracts birds. Flowers early spring to summer.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Erosion Control - Shade Tolerant - Attractive Bark/Trunk - Attracts Birds - Attractive Cones/Berries - Attracts Bees
Height after 5 years: 4 m Height when mature: 6 m
Native Grasses, Tussocks and Rushes
(We have a large selection of Grasses)
Natives, Ideal for adding to plantings to give extra texture. Look great around water features, particularly the rushes. Greens, Blues and Reds, Limes give a good range of color. Hardy and wind tolerant. Easy care and suit most conditions.
Colors: Blue, Rich greens, Red, Silver, Bronze.
Hebe and
(We have a large selection of Hebe)
Native, Hebe are well suited to a variety of planting situations. Hardy and can tolerate cold climates. Mature plants vary in height from 50cm to 4m with an average of about 1 - 1.5m. There are many leaf variations including variegated. Hebe flower profusely and have a number of flower colors including crimson, white, lavender, blue, pink, red. Because of the range of leaf styles and color hebe plantings look attractive all year round. Hebe tolerate close planting and trimming after flowering, their flowers attract birds.
Topiaria Odora Lavander lace
Decumbens Koromiko (stricta) Donaldii
Waikiki Hulkeana Wiri cloud
Wiri desire Red edge Pauciramosa
Wiri Amy Inspiration Pareora
Autaum glory Mary Antonette Eveline
Diosmifolia Chathamica Buchananii
(Others soon)
Korokio Corokia Corokia buddlejoides
Growth Rate: Medium
Handsome, much branched slender shrub with long narrow leaves. Tolerates shade. Suitable low shelter. Bright yellow flowers.
Additional Attributes: - Low Hedging - Attractive Foliage - Shade Tolerant - Attracts Birds - Attractive Cones/Berries - Attracts Bees
Height after 5 years: 2 m Height when mature: 3 m
Green Ake Ake (Dodonaea viscosa) Purple Ake Ake
Growth Rate: Rapid
Attractive fast growing small tree. Tolerates salt winds and dry conditions. Prefers well drained soils away from heavy frosts when young.
Additional Attributes: - Low Hedging - Erosion Control - Attractive Bark/Trunk
Attracts Bees
Height after 5 years: 4 m Height when mature: 7 m
Mahoe Whiteywood Melicytus ramiflorus
Growth Rate: Medium
Small tree with attractive foliage and berries. Specimen or shade tree. Avoid heavy frosts.
Additional Attributes: - Erosion Control - Attractive Foliage - Shade Tolerant - Attracts Birds - Attractive Cones/Berries
Height after 5 years: 3 m Height when mature: 8m
Red Beech (Nothofagus fusca)
Growth Rate: Medium/Rapid
Handsome specimen and timber tree. Young trees have bright red foliage during winter. Rapid early growth. Strong durable red wood. Can clip to formal hedge.
Additional Attributes: - Low Hedging - Attractive Foliage - Attracts Bees
Height after 5 years: 4 m Height when mature: 30 m
Karo Pittosporum crassifolium
Growth Rate: Rapid
Small erect tree. Excellent coastal tree. Responds well to trimming. Excellent for growing under tall decid. trees. Dark red flowers.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Low Hedging - Erosion Control - Shade Tolerant - Attracts Birds - Attracts Bees
Height after 5 years: 3 m Height when mature: 5 m
Kohu Kohu Pittosporum ralphii
Similar to P. crassifolium but has a rounded habit and larger, darker green leaves. More frost hardy. Good shelter on dry, windy sites. Tolerates shade.
Additional Attributes: - Low Hedging - Erosion Control - Shade Tolerant - Attracts Birds - Attracts Bees
Height after 5 years: 3 m Height when mature: 5 m
Kowhai Sophora microphylla
Small leguminous tree with attractive fern like foliage. Flowers profusely attracting birds. Hardy to cold and wind. Tangled juvenile stage.
Growth Rate: Medium
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Erosion Control - Attractive Foliage - Shade Tolerant - Attracts Birds - Attracts Bees
Height after 5 years: 3 m Height when mature: 8 m
Pittosporum eugenioides (Tarata Lemonwood)
Growth Rate: Medium
Quick-growing small shelter tree. Scented flowers. Long glossy leaves. Hedges well for low shelter.
Frost tender when young.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Low Hedging - Erosion Control - Shade Tolerant - Attracts Birds - Attracts Bees
Height after 5 years: 3 m Height when mature: 12 m
Pittosporum tenuifolium Kohuhu/Black Matipo
Growth Rate: Medium
A small tree with attractive foliage which hedges well for lower tier farm shelter. Very hardy. OK on coast.
Additional Attributes: - Low Hedging - Erosion Control - Shade Tolerant - Attracts Birds Attracts Bees
Height after 5 years: 3 m Height when mature: 8 m
Pseudopanax arboreus Five Finger
Growth Rate: Medium
Handsome, small, round-headed tree with smooth dark " 5-fingered" green leaflets. Conspicuous purple-black fruit. Tolerates wind.
Additional Attributes: - Erosion Control - Attractive Foliage - Shade Tolerant - Attracts Birds - Attractive Cones/Berries - Attracts Bees
Height after 5 years: 3 m Height when mature: 6 m
Manatu Ribbonwood Plagianthus regius
Growth Rate: Rapid
Medium to large, spreading, deciduous tree. Wind resistant. Showy flowers. Fast growing on dry exposed sites. Separate male and female trees. Good as shelter or specimen.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Erosion Control - Attracts Birds
Height after 5 years: 4 m Height when mature: 12 m
Plagianthus divaricatus Marsh Ribbonwood
Densely interlaced shrub with reddish brown bark and small leaves. Salt wind resistant & tolerant of wet soils. Small flowers are sweetly scented. Good hedge in coastal locations.
Growth Rate: Rapid
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Low Hedging - Attractive Bark/Trunk
Height after 5 years: 1 m Height when mature: 2 m
Clianthus puniceus Kaka Beak (Red or White)
The showiest of all the native plants. A short-lived small shrub with spreading branches covered with light green, fine foliage & large white or red flowers in early summer. Place in well-drained soil away from heavy frosts & strong winds.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Attracts Birds
Growth Rate: Rapid
Height after 5 years: 2 m Height when mature: 2 m
Coprosma propinqua Mingimingi Coprosma
A tough small tree with interlaced foliage. Laden with fruit that change from white to dark blue.
Additional Attributes: - Erosion Control - Attractive Foliage - Attracts Birds Attractive
Growth Rate: Medium/Rapid
Height after 5 years: 2 m Height when mature: 5 m
Acaena Purpurea NZ Bidibidi (Purple)
A very hardy, creeping prostrate ground cover. Purple foliage,
Flowers Sept to Feb
Height and spread: 1m spread up to 10cm high
Toothed Lancewood (Pseudopanax ferox)
Growth Rate: Slow/Medium
Bushy topped tree with a tall slender trunk. Narrow saw-like brown juvenile leaves. Spectacular specimen.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Foliage - Shade Tolerant - Attractive Bark/Trunk - Attracts Birds - Attractive Cones/Berries
Height after 5 years: 2 m Height when mature: 5 m
Astelia Astelia banksii
Growth Rate: Rapid
Attractive narrow silvery leaves, prefers complete shade and moist soil. Good coastal species.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Foliage - Shade Tolerant - Attracts Birds
Height after 5 years: 1 m Height when mature: 1 m
Rock/Reinga Lily Arthropodium cirratum
Growth Rate: Medium
A lily with broad green leaves, attractive starry flowers. Suitable groundcover under trees. Frost tender.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Attractive Foliage - Shade Tolerant
Height after 5 years: 0.8 m Height when mature: 0.8 m
Olearia Olearia avicenniaefolia
Growth Rate: Medium
Spreading shrub/small tree with sweet showy flowers. Hardy plant, stands exposure. Nectar/insects for birds.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Low Hedging - Erosion Control - Attracts Birds
Height after 5 years: 2 m Height when mature: 4 m
Toe Toe Cortaderia toe toe
Growth Rate: Rapid
Coarse green large tussock, flower heads to 3-4 m. Excellent low shelter. Larger than C. richardii.
Additional Attributes: - Attractive Flowers - Low Hedging - Erosion Control - Attracts Birds
Height after 5 years: 4 m Height when mature: 4
Silver beech, libertia peregrinans, Cassinia, Muehlenbeckia, Solanim laciniatum.
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